SIPTA school 08 - UEE 08


The Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (SIPTA) aims at promoting research on imprecise probability. This is done through a series of activities including ISIPTA conferences every odd year since 1999, and SIPTA schools every even year since 2004.


Imprecise Probability

Imprecise probability is used as a generic term to cover all mathematical or statistical models which measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities. It includes both qualitative models (comparative probability, partial preference orderings, fuzzy measures, …) and quantitative models (interval-valued probabilities, convex sets of probability measures, upper and lower previsions, belief functions, possibility and plausibility measures, …). Imprecise probability models are needed in inference problems where the relevant information is scarce, vague or conflicting, and in decision problems where preferences may also be incomplete.


SIPTA schools

The aim of SIPTA schools is to introduce interested students and researchers with the basics of imprecise probability topics, both theoretical and applied. Some of the best specialists in different aspects of imprecise probabilities lecture, during one week time, on the main concepts and techniques associated to their area of expertise, in a friendly environment favoring interaction between participants. An important part of the time is devoted to the resolution of proposed exercises involving applied problems.


Fees, expenses & accomodation

Thanks to our several sponsors and sources of financing, the fees have been kept as low as possible (150 euros) and cover accomodation, lunches and several activities. See the details in the "Fees & Registration" and "Accomodation" sections of this website.



The SIPTA school 08 will take place in Montpellier, a medium-sized city next to the Mediterranean sea, in the south of France. The lectures will be given in the Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique (CRDP), which is located in the very centre of Montpellier. Montpellier is easily accessible by plane and/or high-speed train (see access details here).



The school will last one week, during 2-8 July 2008, with 5 days of lectures during the week-days. The Saturday 5 July will be dedicated to an excursion near by Montpellier and will end with a gala diner.


School organization

All lectures will be given in English. Each lecture will be 3h30-long (including a coffee-break), and approximately evenly split into theory and exercises.

All the school materials (slides, videos, exercises, ...) will also be available after the school on this website.

Last Update: December 10th, 2008